Welcome to the most narcissistic website on the internet. It’s all about me! Pick a topic down below to learn more about me and bask in my awesomeness.
Since this site is in its infancy there is very little content to display. (OK. That is one reason. statute of limitations in certain states and plea agreements in others MIGHT be part of it too).
I am hoping this will change and I will be able to continually be able to produce news and fresh content regularly. As soon as the parole officers, judges, and lawyers (Oh yeah court appointed shrinks too) allow it. I hope you will continually return and check the side out.
I wrote a book!!!!!
I have had several people ask me “How can I get an autographed copy of your book?” Well, good news! Now you can!
I set up an online shopping cart (my first actually) where you can now get a copy directly from me! Just visit this link and place your order. Boom done!! I also included a box where you can tell me how you want me to sign the book (within reason mind you). If you leave the box blank I’ll just sign my name.
Once your order is in I will mail the book as quickly as I can. Usually, they will be mailed in bulk on a Friday or a Saturday.
I can honestly say this post is a bit weird for me. In my whole life, I would never have thought I would have actually written a book, let alone anyone who someone who would want my autograph. I am so lucky and I thank you all so much for all of your support.